Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December Randomness

We cleaned the toy room (and by we I mean Dave) with a fine tooth comb, purging unused toys in preparation for new Christmas toys, which always leads to the toy room getting played in more.  
Here is Owen setting up some sort of battle scene, he was all excited to show us. I love the creative mind of a child!
Seth had a play/ choral concert.  The plot is basically Santa looses his jingle because the kids have lost the true meaning of Christmas.  He finds it and all is well, Seth was Elf 12 and his line was: "Santa, Santa, terrible news, it going to add to your case of the blues" He did a great job. :) That is a good friend of his beside him, they are in the same class two years in a row now.
 Dave got in the puzzle mood one day and put this 500 piece puzzle together in one fell swoop.  Noah wasn't a lot of help, but he was giving moral support. Just had to have Daddy!
This may have been one of the short breaks he took from puzzling. Time well spent! :) I know I was blogging about as long as he was puzzling, trying to get caught up! 
The boys built this and called it a snow man.  I am afraid it will probably be as close as they get this season.  

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