Thursday, August 6, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

I know we're all thinking "poor baby!" But no worries!

See all better.

It's hilarious when he tries to crawl like this. For the record I tried and tried to make Owen a binky baby like my other two, but he just didn't want to.

So for now I have the "awe, how cute he's sucking his thumb." And I am just hoping it doesn't turn into, "there's a kid in my fifth grade class that still sucks his thumb mom."


Jen Johnson said...

that picture is too cute! Only one of my kids was a binki baby. Abby sucked her thumb, but she doesn't suck her thumb anymore. She would only do it with her blanket so I lucked out--she doesn't have her blanket anymore--it went missing and she decided she didn't care! again lucky me!

Heather Harper said...

I'm sure it would be easier to get rid of a binky, 'cause it's not like we can cut off their thumbs to help them quit. :) But, Braden still sucks him thumb and I'm not worried about it. He only does it at bed time, and sometimes I catch him sucking it while watching TV, but I just tell him not to and that's that. I think it's cute!!, in the baby stage anyway.