Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Out With The Old Year, In With The New

To start the day off, Seth decided his front tooth was loose enough for mom to yank with the pliers! :) 
 One yank and it was out!  I actually love doing this and encourage the kids to wiggle those loose ones!  It hasn't affected his speech or whistling.  :( Kind of a bummer, since I was looking forward to that.  But the tooth fairy came that night and the permanent one in already visible.
 We did things on a lower key then we ever have before on New Years Eve by just hanging out with us!  It was so fun though, the boys are getting so big, with equally big personalities and that makes it so fun to hang out with them!  We had pizza, treats, watched a movie, and lit some fire works that some of our neighbors came out to watch also.  

Seth was determined to stay up till midnight, so we put the other kiddo's to bed at 10 pm, and he and I stayed up another 30 minutes or so.  But I was so tired, and didn't want a cranky Seth for the New Year, so we hit the sack, which he was apparently fine with since he was out in minutes.  Happy New Year everyone!


Supercords said...

Let me know if that hottie neighbor is a single mom :)

Oh, and Happy New Year!

Amy said...

I can't even look when the kids move their loose teeth around! I could never do anything in the medical field :)