Friday, December 7, 2012

Little Critters

There are perks to living behind a golf coarse, besides stray golf balls in our pool I mean! :)  We get some fun critters as visitors.  This little guy was eating a fallen grapefruit from our tree, he totally hallowed it out then hid it in the bushes. Sorry the picture is not the best but these guys scare easy.  I am in my house on my stomach, zoomed to the max through my glass sliding door. 

The geese on the other hand do not scare hardly at all, if fact they are a little scary if you are trying to walk by them.  I do love them flying over in V formation and honking! One of my favorite things about the winter here is that they are a constant presence on the grass, buy the little lake right on the other side of our fence.  But the scorpions I could seriously do without!!!

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